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Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd

该公司相关的游戏63 (筛选后有41个)


当前名称 Konami Digital Entertainment [通用名] Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd [公司名称]
状态 活跃公司
公司运作中的国家 日本 [总部]

Company rating 75%

Average games rating over time
全部时间 75%
3 most recent game 76%
10 most recent game 75%


Number of games and platform breakdown
29 17%
20 12%
18 11%
14 8%
11 7%
10 6%
10 6%
9 5%
7 4%
7 4%
7 4%
6 4%
4 2%
4 2%
3 2%
2 1%
2 1%
2 1%
1 <1%
1 <1%